Planting for Dried Botanical Arrangements part 1
Elizabeth O'Connor and Scott DeMuth
Annual Member Holiday Luncheon
To be held at Al Dente Ristorante, 7 Main Street, New Milford, CT
Wildlife in Winter
Speakers: Colleen from White Memorial Conservation Center>.
Creative and Colorful Autumn Potted Arrangements
Speakers: Jennifer Gazerro and special guest Karin Pyskaty, President of Federated Garden Clubs of CT
Hot Topics for Fall Tree Care
Speaker: Vicky McCarthy from SavATree
MILLIE the Rock Snake
Beginning August 1, the Garden Club along with the Library will sponsor this interactive painted rock snake. Questions: contact
Explore The Watershed
"Let's Get Clean, Cold and Connected" will be presented by Michael Jastremski of Housatonic Valley Association on Monday, Aug. 12 at 7 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church in New Milford.
Mark Mankin will present a program on Beekeeping on Monday, July 8, 2024 at 7 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church, 107 Kent Road, New Milford, CT.
Member Luncheon
The Member Summer Luncheon and Officer Installation will take place on June 11, 2024 at 12 noon at Greca Mediterranean Kitchen in New Milford.
Plant Sale
The Annual Plant Sale will take place on June 1, 2024 on the village green from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
On May 14 at 1:30 p.m., Richard Rosiello will present "Designing and Planting Containers" at Meadowbrook Gardens, 228 Danbury Road, New Milford
Adam Wheeler will present
"Invasive Exotic Trees and Shrubs and
Well-behaved Alternatives"
Soil Preparation and Care
Bob Gambino will speak on
various aspects of soil care.
Birds at the Feeders
"Who are they and how to attract them?" will be presented by Elizabeth O'Conner followed by a gardening bird-friendly activity.
August 2023
On September 12th Garden Club members met at Trinity Lutheran Church. They enjoyed an extended social time and light luncheon followed by the business meeting. Members discussed a wrap-up of the 100th anniversary celebration and made plans for the fall and next spring.
Planting bulbs with students from Holy Infant Pre-School.
Making arrangements with seniors.
Garden Club members plant flowers in town gardens, in sidewalk tubs, in front of monuments, and at town hall.
To stimulate interest in gardens & gardening, encourage conservation of natural resources, promote civic improvement, and study & enjoy the artistic use of plants. Some of our affiliations include the The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut, Inc., New England Garden Clubs, and National Garden Clubs, Inc. Join us!
We tend gardens at:
All-Wars and WWI monuments
Main & Church St Planters
Mayor’s Garden at Town Hall
Town Hall Church St. Garden
Service projects have included:
Garden Therapy for Seniors
CT Flower & Garden Show
Christmas decorations on the green and local rehab centers
Route 7 Welcome Sign
RVNA Garden
Since 1923, the Garden Club of New Milford has been an active, non-profit organization serving our town. From planting trees, landscaping public places, designing gardens, educating, exhibiting, and funding projects, the club has been influential in caring for the community in which we live.
Club meetings address a variety of topics related to gardening, conservation, and public service while providing fun and social interaction with friendly people from our town.
Anyone can attend a meeting to determine if they are interested in joining.
Meetings are every second Tuesday of the month from 1–3PM, location announced the prior month. Membership responsibilities include:
• Attend meetings regularly
• Take an active part in activities
• Support fundraising projects
• Host twice a year
• Pay annual dues
Visit us on Facebook
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Interested in joining? Fill out the form below to apply:
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These links may also be of interest to New Milford gardeners: